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CancellableTask Module

Table of contents

Cancellation and Exceptions

Functions and values

Function or value Description

CancellableTask.getCancellationToken () ct

Full Usage: CancellableTask.getCancellationToken () ct

Returns: ValueTask<CancellationToken> The default CancellationToken.
Modifiers: inline

Gets the default cancellation token for executing computations.

() : unit
ct : CancellationToken
Returns: ValueTask<CancellationToken>

The default CancellationToken.


 use tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
 let primes = [ 2; 3; 5; 7; 11 ]
 for i in primes do
     let computation =
         cancellableTask {
             let! cancellationToken = CancellableTask.getCancellationToken()
             do! Task.Delay(i * 1000, cancellationToken)
             printfn $"{i}"
     computation tokenSource.Token |> ignore
 printfn "Tasks Finished"
val tokenSource: obj
val primes: int list
val i: int
val computation: (obj -> obj)
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
val ignore: value: 'T -> unit
This will print "2" 2 seconds from start, "3" 3 seconds from start, "5" 5 seconds from start, cease computation and then followed by "Tasks Finished".

Other module members

Functions and values

Function or value Description

CancellableTask.apply applicable cTask

Full Usage: CancellableTask.apply applicable cTask

Returns: CancellableTask<'output> The result of the applicable.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'input, 'output

Allows chaining of CancellableTasks.

applicable : CancellableTask<('input -> 'output)>

A function wrapped in a CancellableTasks

cTask : CancellableTask<'input>

The value.

Returns: CancellableTask<'output>

The result of the applicable.

CancellableTask.bind binder cTask

Full Usage: CancellableTask.bind binder cTask

Returns: CancellableTask<'output> The result of the binder.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'input, 'output

Allows chaining of CancellableTasks.

binder : 'input -> CancellableTask<'output>

The continuation.

cTask : CancellableTask<'input>

The value.

Returns: CancellableTask<'output>

The result of the binder.

CancellableTask.map mapper cTask

Full Usage: CancellableTask.map mapper cTask

    mapper : 'input -> 'output - The continuation.
    cTask : CancellableTask<'input> - The value.

Returns: CancellableTask<'output> The result of the mapper wrapped in a CancellableTasks.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'input, 'output

Allows chaining of CancellableTasks.

mapper : 'input -> 'output

The continuation.

cTask : CancellableTask<'input>

The value.

Returns: CancellableTask<'output>

The result of the mapper wrapped in a CancellableTasks.

CancellableTask.ofUnit unitCancellableTask

Full Usage: CancellableTask.ofUnit unitCancellableTask

Returns: CancellableTask<unit> a CancellableTask\.
Modifiers: inline

Coverts a CancellableTask to a CancellableTask\.

unitCancellableTask : CancellableTask

The CancellableTask to convert.

Returns: CancellableTask<unit>

a CancellableTask\.

CancellableTask.parallelZip left right

Full Usage: CancellableTask.parallelZip left right

Returns: CancellableTask<'left * 'right> A tuple of the parameters passed in.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'left, 'right

Takes two CancellableTask, starts them concurrently, and returns a tuple of the pair.

left : CancellableTask<'left>

The left value.

right : CancellableTask<'right>

The right value.

Returns: CancellableTask<'left * 'right>

A tuple of the parameters passed in.

CancellableTask.sequential tasks

Full Usage: CancellableTask.sequential tasks

Returns: CancellableTask<'a[]> A CancellableTask that represents the completion of all of the supplied tasks.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'a

Creates a CancellableTask that will complete when all of the CancellableTasks in an enumerable collection have completed sequentially.

tasks : CancellableTask<'a> seq

The tasks to wait on for completion

Returns: CancellableTask<'a[]>

A CancellableTask that represents the completion of all of the supplied tasks.

CancellableTask.singleton item arg2

Full Usage: CancellableTask.singleton item arg2

    item : 'item - The item to be the result of the CancellableTask.
    arg1 : CancellationToken

Returns: Task<'item> A CancellableTask with the item as the result.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'item

Lifts an item to a CancellableTask.

item : 'item

The item to be the result of the CancellableTask.

arg1 : CancellationToken
Returns: Task<'item>

A CancellableTask with the item as the result.

CancellableTask.toUnit ctask ct

Full Usage: CancellableTask.toUnit ctask ct

Returns: Task a CancellableTask.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'a

Coverts a CancellableTask\<_\> to a CancellableTask.

ctask : CancellableTask<'a>

The CancellableTask to convert.

ct : CancellationToken
Returns: Task

a CancellableTask.

CancellableTask.whenAll tasks

Full Usage: CancellableTask.whenAll tasks

Returns: CancellableTask<'a[]> A CancellableTask that represents the completion of all of the supplied tasks.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'a

Creates a task that will complete when all of the CancellableTask in an enumerable collection have completed.

tasks : CancellableTask<'a> seq

The tasks to wait on for completion

Returns: CancellableTask<'a[]>

A CancellableTask that represents the completion of all of the supplied tasks.

ArgumentNullException The tasks argument was .
ArgumentException The tasks collection contained a task.

CancellableTask.whenAllThrottled maxDegreeOfParallelism tasks

Full Usage: CancellableTask.whenAllThrottled maxDegreeOfParallelism tasks

    maxDegreeOfParallelism : int - The maximum number of tasks to run concurrently.
    tasks : CancellableTask<'a> seq - The tasks to wait on for completion

Returns: CancellableTask<'a[]> A CancellableTask that represents the completion of all of the supplied tasks.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'a

Creates a task that will complete when all of the CancellableTask in an enumerable collection have completed.

maxDegreeOfParallelism : int

The maximum number of tasks to run concurrently.

tasks : CancellableTask<'a> seq

The tasks to wait on for completion

Returns: CancellableTask<'a[]>

A CancellableTask that represents the completion of all of the supplied tasks.

ArgumentNullException The tasks argument was .
ArgumentException The tasks collection contained a task.

CancellableTask.zip left right

Full Usage: CancellableTask.zip left right

Returns: CancellableTask<'left * 'right> A tuple of the parameters passed in
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'left, 'right

Takes two CancellableTasks, starts them serially in order of left to right, and returns a tuple of the pair.

left : CancellableTask<'left>

The left value.

right : CancellableTask<'right>

The right value.

Returns: CancellableTask<'left * 'right>

A tuple of the parameters passed in

Type something to start searching.