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ColdTask Module

Contains a set of standard functional helper function

Functions and values

Function or value Description

ColdTask.apply applicable cTask

Full Usage: ColdTask.apply applicable cTask

    applicable : ColdTask<('input -> 'output)> - A function wrapped in a ColdTasks
    cTask : ColdTask<'input> - The value.

Returns: ColdTask<'output> The result of the applicable.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'input, 'output

Allows chaining of ColdTasks.

applicable : ColdTask<('input -> 'output)>

A function wrapped in a ColdTasks

cTask : ColdTask<'input>

The value.

Returns: ColdTask<'output>

The result of the applicable.

ColdTask.bind binder cTask

Full Usage: ColdTask.bind binder cTask

    binder : 'input -> ColdTask<'output> - The continuation.
    cTask : ColdTask<'input> - The value.

Returns: ColdTask<'output> The result of the binder.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'input, 'output

Allows chaining of ColdTasks.

binder : 'input -> ColdTask<'output>

The continuation.

cTask : ColdTask<'input>

The value.

Returns: ColdTask<'output>

The result of the binder.

ColdTask.map mapper cTask

Full Usage: ColdTask.map mapper cTask

    mapper : 'input -> 'output - The continuation.
    cTask : ColdTask<'input> - The value.

Returns: ColdTask<'output> The result of the mapper wrapped in a ColdTasks.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'input, 'output

Allows chaining of ColdTasks.

mapper : 'input -> 'output

The continuation.

cTask : ColdTask<'input>

The value.

Returns: ColdTask<'output>

The result of the mapper wrapped in a ColdTasks.

ColdTask.ofUnit unitColdTask

Full Usage: ColdTask.ofUnit unitColdTask

    unitColdTask : ColdTask - The ColdTask to convert.

Returns: ColdTask<unit> a ColdTask\.
Modifiers: inline

Coverts a ColdTask to a ColdTask\.

unitColdTask : ColdTask

The ColdTask to convert.

Returns: ColdTask<unit>

a ColdTask\.

ColdTask.parallelZip left right

Full Usage: ColdTask.parallelZip left right

    left : ColdTask<'left> - The left value.
    right : ColdTask<'right> - The right value.

Returns: ColdTask<'left * 'right> A tuple of the parameters passed in.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'left, 'right

Takes two ColdTask, starts them concurrently, and returns a tuple of the pair.

left : ColdTask<'left>

The left value.

right : ColdTask<'right>

The right value.

Returns: ColdTask<'left * 'right>

A tuple of the parameters passed in.

ColdTask.singleton result ()

Full Usage: ColdTask.singleton result ()

    result : 'item
    () : unit

Returns: Task<'item> A ColdTask with the item as the result.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'item

Lifts an item to a ColdTask.

result : 'item
() : unit
Returns: Task<'item>

A ColdTask with the item as the result.

ColdTask.toUnit coldTask ()

Full Usage: ColdTask.toUnit coldTask ()

    coldTask : ColdTask<'a> - The ColdTask to convert.
    () : unit

Returns: Task a ColdTask.
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'a

Coverts a ColdTask\<_\> to a ColdTask.

coldTask : ColdTask<'a>

The ColdTask to convert.

() : unit
Returns: Task

a ColdTask.

ColdTask.zip left right

Full Usage: ColdTask.zip left right

    left : ColdTask<'left> - The left value.
    right : ColdTask<'right> - The right value.

Returns: ColdTask<'left * 'right> A tuple of the parameters passed in
Modifiers: inline
Type parameters: 'left, 'right

Takes two ColdTasks, starts them serially in order of left to right, and returns a tuple of the pair.

left : ColdTask<'left>

The left value.

right : ColdTask<'right>

The right value.

Returns: ColdTask<'left * 'right>

A tuple of the parameters passed in

Type something to start searching.